Racing Game

The purpose of this racing game is to allow you to make a game for two people to play at the keyboard. Make sure that you are gentle with the keyboard!

Open the project. You can see that the directions are written on the screen. For the bat, you set its direction by pressing an arrow key, and you make it move in that direction by pressing the p key. Likewise, for the horse, you set its direction by pressing a, w, s, or d, and you make it move in that direction by pressing r.

Your job is to actually write the scripts that control the bat and the horse. There are some scripts that have already been written, but we have hidden them because you have not yet learned those concepts. For example, when an animal crosses the finish line, it says "Yay!"

You need to focus on making it point the proper direction and move when the appropriate keys are pressed. One has been done for you. Click on the horse in the sprite list and then look at the script. When the user presses the 'a' key, the horse points to the left.

Have fun!