Racing Game
The purpose of this racing game is to allow you to improve
a game for two people to play at the keyboard. Make sure that
you are gentle with the keyboard!
Open the project. You can see that the directions are
written on the screen. If you did the racing game bonus
project in WiredUp Activity 2, you might notice that the
controls are slightly different. Before, you pressed a
different key to make the animals move. Now, the movement
is with the direction. For example, when you press the up
arrow, the bat does two things - it points up AND it moves
10 steps up.
The code for the working game is provided, except for
important piece: Initialization!!!
Your first job is to implement the initialization for the
cat and the bat. They need to start in the bottom left
corner of the track, below the black horizontal finish line.
Your job is to make the animals look better when they are
moving. Right now, they change position, but the costumes
do not change. Instead, the cat needs to look like it is
flapping its wings.
Have fun!