Computer Science is a financially stable, creative, and rewarding career.
Why are so few high school students choosing it? CS in a bad year has a
better job market than many majors in a good year. If you're interested in
sparking the interest of K-12 students, check out these opportunities.
NCSI and MRL have active outreach and undergraduate research programs.
In computer science, we are in dire need of graduate student volunteers
for such activities. If you are willing to volunteer to be a graduate
student mentor for an undergraduate summer or school year project, or if
you would be willing to lead outreach sessions, please let Diana Franklin
know at Our lack of volunteers severely limits our
Teach middle school studies to count to 1023 on their
fingers, how fax machines work, or how to sort themselves in
parallel. We have a variety of activities that can be done.
Three to four events occur each fall and spring.
Contact if you are interested in
Animal Tlatoque Summer Camp
Be a programmer and camp counselor for a program integrating
animals, conservation, Mayan culture, and computing for
middle school students. Annual deadline for applications
is in March.
MESA Science & Technology Day
Run or assist a 40-minute workshop on making your own
virtual pet in the Scratch programming language. Prof.
Franklin will run the workshop, and you can assist students
with their projects. Contact if you
would like to volunteer. Annual event on a Saturday in
the beginning of March.