Undergraduate Panel - Saturday, April 5 3:15-3:45
3:15-3:45 Graduate school Panel - Graduate students and professors will talk about the opportunities available for graduate school.
Moderator: Christine Alvarado
Participants: Diana Franklin, Colleen Lewis, TBA
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-4:30 Industry Panel - Industry representatives will talk about internship opportunities for undergraduates and full-time opportunities for graduates at any level.
Moderator: Lori Carter
Graduate Panel - Saturday, April 5 3:15-3:45
3:15-3:45 Industry Panel - Industry representatives will talk about internship opportunities and full-time opportunities for PhD students and graduates.
Moderator: Lori Carter
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-4:30 Academic Panel - Professors will talk about opportunities available in academia for PhD students.
Moderator: Christine Alvarado
Participants: Diana Franklin, Colleen Lewis, TBA
Communication Patterns - Sunday, April 6 9:30-10:30
True Colors, based on Keirsey's Temperaments, is a model for identifying one's communication and work style preferences and those of others. This interactive workshop will give participants the chance to discover their own communication style and understand how this plays out in the workplace or other environment.
Finding Your Stride: Life and Work after graduation - Sunday, April 6 10:30-11:30
There is a large transition between high school and college - you have much more freedom coupled with much more responsibility. Luckily, you are with a hundreds of other students going through the same transition in a supportive environment that is aware of those issues.
The transition between college and working has similar struggles, but you are the minority in your new workplace, not the majority. You may face many issues for the first time without a network of friends going through the same thing at the same time.
The purpose of this panel is to share some common challenges that people face after graduation and help you make that transition smoothly. Subjects may include, but are not limited to:
Work/Life balance
Hitting the Glass Ceiling
Making your contributions / time count
Participants: Christine Alvarado, Lori Carter and Diana Franklin
Mentoring Panel - Sunday, April 6 10:30-11:30
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo has a successful undergraduate peer mentoring program. Come to the Peer Mentoring panel to find out how to replicate such a program at your own school! Subjects will include, but are not limited, to:
1. How do you set up a mentor-mentee program?!
2. What is a mentor's role?!
3. What is a mentee's role?!
4. How do you help young women grow the relationship?!
5. Benefits of the program (statistics, stories, etc)!