Module 1: Digital Storytelling


Module 1 is geared towards 4th grade. Students first learn about the Octopi interface, and then learn the different skills needed to create a digital story. Topics include sequential programming, event driven programming, costume changes, broadcast/receive, and scene changes.


The curriculum is made up of FiredUp (off-computer) activities, Wiredup (on-computer) activites, optional worksheets that tie back to the standards, and assessments that we will use to assess our curriculum.

Initial Survey
We are redesigning our initial survey for fall 2014. Please do not have students take the initial survey.

Please switch off between the two assessments with your classes FiredUp Activity 1: Following Directions FiredUp Activity 2: Giving Directions
Please switch off between picture A and picture B with your classes WiredUp Activity 3: Octopi and Scratch
(Just getting used to the program) WiredUp Activity 4: Sequential Execution, Motion
(glide, turn, green flag)
Animals FiredUp Activity 5: Initialization WiredUp Activity 6: Initialization
(On green flag)
Pinata Animal Race WiredUp Activity 7: Event-Driven Programming Part 1
(when sprite clicked)
The Solar System: Planets WiredUp Activity 8: Event-Driven Programming Part 2
(when key pressed)
The Solar System: Rockets Racing Game (Bonus project for those who get done early): FiredUp Activity 9: Messages WiredUp Activity 10: Message-Passing
(broadcast, receive)
California Geography Missions (Bonus project for those who finish early) WiredUp Activity 11: Costume Changes
(next costume, set costume)
Dance Party WiredUp Activity 12: Scene Changes
(backgrounds, hide, show)
Flower Growing Culminating WiredUp Activity

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0940491 and CNS-1240985.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.